Saturday, February 11, 2012

Easy to Make Heart Vase Centerpiece

I cannot take credit for this great craft.  This was created by my co-worker Diane for a Birthday party centerpiece.  She brought it into work to show me.  But this centerpiece was inspired by the one I made for my own grandfather's 90th.   I loved her creation and the minute I saw it, I new I had to share it on this blog.

Like my own centerpiece, Diane used craft foam to create this.  She started the project with basic styrofoam circles as the base.  Around the circle she glued a strip of pink craft foam.  Then she used the silver sparkled foam on top to form the base.  Once her bases were made, Diane glued single flower vases onto the center of each base.  Modeling it off my centerpiece's stars, she bought the pre-cut craft foam hearts (sticky backed) and some wire, and glued the hearts to themselves, back to back, onto the wire.   Then she stuck the wire into the styrofoam circles around the vases.   The result, a beautiful centerpiece/vase which I am told she filled with roses.  I LOVE IT!!!  I am thrilled that I was able to inspire her and give her some direction and I love what she came up with. 
Diane always claims she is NOT crafty, but I think this centerpiece has to argue that.  I LOVE IT!  I will be copying her idea sometime in the future. 

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