Friday, February 10, 2012

My New Obsession with Pinterest

I make my living monitoring Social Media, but never have a found a social media site I love as much as Pinterest.   Why, because its a crafters dream.  It's full of ideas for crafts, baking, cake decorating, cooking, hosting, organizing, decorating... everything this blog is about.   I wish I had the time to try everything I pin, but I must pin 50 things a day.   I do plan on trying many of them though.

Pinterest is also a great tool for organizing my own searches.  Right now as I plan to redo my bathroom and work on decorating the Shore House my husband is working on to flip or rent, I love having Pinterest to pin all my great ideas.  

If you are the type who follow my blog because you love DIYs and crafty things, and you haven't checked out Pinterest yet, I highly recommend it.

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