Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Halloween Costumes That Impress

One talent I never inherited from my creative mom is the ability to sew.    My mother was amazing with a sewing machine.   Every Halloween she would make me beautiful costumes.   Most of them came from patterns, but they were homemade.  

I wish I could sew but other then a hair scrunchie business I had when I was 12, where I learned to sew a straight line, sewing is out of my element.  I am lucky I can put a button back on pants.

So here I am sharing the creative costuming of my mom.  I can't share how to make them, I have no idea, but I had to share them.

The Bunny: 

The White Rabbit: My Mom's Bunny Making Skills resurfaced in 2005 when she made my husband a white rabbit costume to go with my store bought Alice in Wonderland outfit.  (She didn't have the time to make both).   

Rainbow Brite: My all time favorite.  This costume involved making tubes and tubes of colored fabric, each tube stuffed with cotton and then putting them all together.  She said it took weeks to make.

Sleeping Beauty: I wanted a half pink, half blue dress but my mom drew the line here.

Dragon: My mom's most recent project was to help complete our lady and knight costume by turning my puppy into a ferocious (well maybe not ferocious) dragon.   Knowing Candy wouldn't wear a hood or a hat, she made the costume so that wires would keep the upper scales over her head.

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