Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sweets for Your Sweetheart


Strawberry Ice Cream Hot Cocoa... I know its a little late to make this for 2012, but its something to keep in mind for 2013 or if you couldn't celebrate with your loved one today.

As I may have mentioned I love Pinterest and I recently found the cutest idea for Valentines Day on this site.  It comes from here:  http://blogs.babble.com/family-kitchen/2011/02/10/strawberry-sweethearts-cocoa-and-the-two-peas-newlywed-game/ 

So I tried it myself...

Here is the recipe as it appears on the blog above:

The original dessert as I saw it on Pinterest.
Strawberry Sweethearts Cocoa
Make your sweetheart feel like a newlywed this year with this simple melted ice cream cocoa, served in chocolate-dipped mugs for an extra-special treat.
  • 4 tablespoons butter
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 pint strawberry ice cream
  • 4 cups water
  • Whipped cream
  • 1 cup Mini chocolate chips
  • 1 tablespoon chocolate sprinkles
In a medium-sized bowl, melt the chocolate chips and dip the top of four mugs into the chocolate. Set aside, allowing chocolate to harden.
In a medium pot, whisk together the butter, sugar, and ice cream over medium high heat until melted.  Whisk in the water, one cup at a time until your favorite texture/flavor is achieved.  Heat just until steaming.  Pour into chocolate-rimmed mugs.  Garnish with a dollop of whipping cream and a sprinkling of chocolate sprinkles.  Serve with your favorite bite-sized cookies for dipping.  Happy Valentines Day!

So I took the original recipe and altered it slightly.  More in appearance then in the recipe.  I wanted it to look more like a soda fountain drink, maybe because of my soda fountain glasses.
I started with the chocolate.  In a flat bottomed microwavable bowl  I used a square of Bakers Semi Sweet Chocolate and broke it into pieces, then melted it in the microwave.  Melt it 30 seconds at a time, stirring after each time, to avoid it burning.   Then take your glasses (I used soda fountain glasses) and dip the rims in the chocolate.   Then I actually placed the cups in the freezer.  I did this for two reasons, first it made the chocolate rim harden faster and secondly it made the glass stay cool with the hot liquid.   
Then I made the ice cream cocoa.  The recipe for this I kept the same, though I actually considered cutting down the butter, but since it was the first time making it I feared the consistency would be off.   I think if anything I would cut down the sugar.  For the ice cream I used Hagan-daaz Strawberry Ice Cream.  Do you know its actually hard to find Strawberry Ice Cream in the grocery store today?  Many brands have so many fancy flavors they have done away with the basics like Strawberry. 
Next I topped it with whipped cream.  Let it cool first for a few minutes. You want the drink to be warm but you don't want it to melt the whipped cream.   Then instead of chocolate sprinkles I topped it with rainbow sprinkles and the little heart sprinkles.  Then I served it with a spoon.   If I did it again I think I would add a cherry on top.

Here is my opinion... if you are not a chocolate person and you prefer Strawberry Ice Cream to something with Chocolate this is DELICIOUS.  I love Strawberry Ice Cream and though I couldn't have much of it (WW points are through the roof), I enjoyed it.  However, I think I will stick to hot chocolate and I am pretty sure my husband agrees.  

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