Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Chicken Bacon Bleu

This delicious chicken dish was a great alternative to Chicken Cordon Bleu and if made with low sodium or reduced fat bacon it doesn't even have to be that bad for you.

4 thin sliced chicken breasts
5 slices of reduced fat bacon
4 slices of swiss cheese
1 (11 oz) can of heart healthy cream of chicken soup
3/4 cup skim milk
1 egg
4 Tbsp breadcrumbs

Saute bacon until done but not too crisp.  Discard oil but save tidbits and a very small amount of pan drippings.

Butterfly chicken breast so breast is now thinner but bigger.  (I used Perdue thin sliced chicken breasts and made smaller pieces.

Place cheese slice and crumbled bacon slice in center of each chicken breast.  Roll up the breast and stick them with a toothpick.   Coat the chicken lightly with the egg and then the bread crumbs.   Place in a baking pan seam side down.

Bake at 375F about 30 minutes.

In the bacon pan, add the can of soup and milk.   Whisk to get up pan drippings.  Add one slice of bacon crumbled.   Heat until warm.

Serve chicken with gravy on top or with the gravy on your starchy side dish such as rice.

Serves 4

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