Saturday, January 28, 2012



So every few months or so a bunch of my girlfriends and I get together for a party or trip.  This time we thought it would be fun to host a bacon themed party which we called BACON FEST!   THe funny thing was that everyone we told about bacon fest thought it was a great idea for our husbands... except they weren't invited.  They were lucky we brought them leftovers.  This Bacon Fest was girls only and as a result the bacon themed food remained more sophisticated, but just as baconly delicious.  The festivity was fun to plan, the company was great, and the menu was delicious.

The night started off with the appetizers....

Courtney made bacon dip, Elissa made a bacon quiche and Amy made bacon guacamole. (not pictured)
Bacon Quiche

Bacon Dip

Moving on to the Main Course...

My two contributions to Bacon Fest were in the Main Course portion.

Chicken Bacon Bleu
Chicken Bacon Bleu: For our protein dish I did a take on the classic Chicken Cordon Bleu, substituting the ham with the bacon.   Then I created a bacon chicken cream gravy to pour on top of the Chicken Bacon Bleu.

Asparagus Wrapped in Bacon

Asparagus Wrapped in Bacon: As a healthier side dish I created asparagus wrapped in bacon.  This basic dish is a great way to prepare asparagus and is actually the way it was prepared the first time my mom got me to try this green vegetable.

Donielle completed the bacon meal with her Cheesy Potato & Bacon dish that was delicious.
Cheesy Potato & Bacon Dish

The Highlight of the Meal - The Dessert

Without a doubt the highlight of a bacon festival is the dessert.  To see the creativity behind a bacon themed dessert course is amazing and all three desserts were as unique as they were yummy.   Amy made peanut butter and bacon cookies.   Jen would have made Dorian proud (a Cupcake Wars reference) with her dark chocolate cupcakes with bacon.   The bacon wasn't overpowering but you could taste the saltiness in the midst of the chocolate cupcakes.  Then there was Kelly's Maple Bourbon Bacon Popcorn.  That popcorn was so delicious and addicting I had to move away from the table to keep from downing the whole bowl.   I will be trying this recipe soon.

Amy also made us these adorable hand-crafted favors... Bacon doll ornaments.  She found this on another blog, but I am not sure where.

Overall Bacon Fest was a HUGE success.   I would highly recommend throwing a bacon fest of your own.

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