Sunday, November 27, 2011

Dolphin Play Time

In Lemon Bay, off the Gulf Coast in Florida,  the bottle-nose dolphins (my favorite kind) roam the waters.  Bottle-nose Dolphins are fun and playful animals who love to jump around the bay.   It seems that one of their favorite pastimes in surfing.   Look what happened when we were down in Florida last April.

As we were riding in the bay we picked up dolphins playing in our wake.   They were having a great time and probably used their series of clicks to call their friends, because as we continued down the bay the numbers grew.   This went on for a half hour until we had to finally speed up to a point where we were throwing very little wake to put an end to their fun, we couldn't slow down for fear they would hit the prop, although honestly they are super smart and probably would sense the boat slowing.


As time went on the dolphins starting doing flips and tricks in the wake.   

This video captures it best:
(I took this video and uploaded it to You Tube)

Now if this isn't making a memory, I don't know what is.

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