Sunday, February 26, 2012

Happy Oscar Sunday

Movie buff or not, Oscar Sunday is a great day to host a Hollywood Theme Party.   This year my friends and I are dressing up and the day will be complete with a red carpet, a glam cam and glamourous touches.

If your throwing your own Oscar Party, don't forget your Oscar Ballot.

You can download an official ballot from the Oscar Website:

Also get your Oscar Bingo cards from here: 

Of course I like to make my own:

First I started with the ballot.   I decided to make the ballot look like a program.  I did this on the program Adobe In Design.   To make the image on the front I placed 5 black stars and then used the font Feel.  What I like about Feel is every letter has multiple options, so you can do a pretty script that is  still easy to read.  For example, it gave me the option to make the s in Awards have the long string on the end, which I think is a pretty effect, but if the s had been in the middle of the word I could have removed the string and made the letter more simple.  Its a great font.   (It was also the font used on my wedding stuff.)

Front & Back Cover of the Ballot

Interior of the Ballot Book

Once I had the look of the Ballot I took that and made everything else.  I made 15 Bingo boards, a sign for my back door, and the Annual Film Quiz.

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