Thursday, May 16, 2019

I'm Back

I'm Back and my life has changed a LOT!!!

I haven't posted on this blog since 2013.   So here I am ready to re-embark on this time consuming task.   Why would a now busy mom of 2 all of a sudden decide to add ANOTHER thing to her to do list, like maintaining a blog?   Because I have done a lot of amazing things this year and I keep getting asked for recipes, pictures, ideas.  So what better way to share them with everyone then with a blog.

I have always loved being creative but now that I have two little girls I have completely upped my game.   I actually have amazed myself lately.

So the focus of this blog may change slightly, as my life is much more kid oriented, but I still plan to load it up with crafts, party ideas, recipes, etc.   I may also add some fun ideas of things to do with kids.  Some of it will be geared towards our local experiences and places we frequent... Long Island, the NJ Shore, Venice/Englewood, Florida.  I will also add things about places we visit.  I may also talk a bit about products I like or stores I frequent.   Whatever information I think is interesting and will help other moms I will share here.   But it will still be mostly a blog about crafts and creativity.

Interestingly enough one of the reasons I stepped away from this blog was I never really like the name.  It started as a joke with a few of my closest friends.  A memory of a day in High School where I got slightly angry that my friends were all sitting around being sad about graduating.   I may have said something along the lines of "Guys we have to make memories."   As I have never lived it down I have embraced the joke and so the name of my blog was born.

But now as a mom of 2 the name of this blog has taken on a whole new meaning, because I do feel like "we have to make memories."  My oldest is already 4 and I am quickly seeing how fast they will grow up and I am trying to take advantage of every second I have with them.  But also I like the name because the reason I do a lot of the creative things I do is to make long lasting memories for them.    Many people will say kids don't remember anything from being so young.  But I know personally that if you give them enough things to remember, they will remember them.   I remember in detail the cakes and parties my mom used to have for me.   I remember pieces of the many trips I took with my family when I was little.   I know the impression that everything my mom did for me left with me.   I want that for my kids and that is why I make their birthday cakes or have elaborate parties for them, or take them to Disney World before the age of 5.

So follow along I you want and "Make Memories" with your family.

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