Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Decorator Icing Recipe

This icing is super sweet, really to sweet for most adults.  But it holds up great for decorating, it doesn't have to be refrigerated once on a cake and its pure white.  It also can keep in the refrigerator for an indefinite amount of time.  It is my icing of choice when doing flowers or fancy details and its pretty good with cookies.  And KIDS LOVE IT!


1 cup Crisco
1 lb. SIFTED confectioners sugar*
3 Tbsp Water
1 tsp clear vanilla extract**
1 pinch of salt

*Must be sifted.  Unsifted Confectioners sugar will make a lumpy frosting that will clog your tips.
** Clear is best because it creates a pure white frosting, but it doesn't have as great of a flavor.  If your doing a dark frosting color you could get away with using brown, but if your keeping your icing white or a light color it must be clear.  Wilton sells clear vanilla and you can get it at any cake supply store/craft store.

1) With electric mixer at medium speed cream 1 cup of Crisco and 1 lb. of sifted confectioners sugar.
2) Add 3 Tbsp water.  For better flavor add 1 tsp vanilla (clear) and a pinch of salt.
3) Continue beating until blended.  Scrape bowls and beaters during mixing.
4) Beat frosting only enough to blend thoroughly as excessive beating will result in a very soft frosting.
5) Do NOT under beat.   Frosting should be white, smooth and light.
6) Place in plastic container & cover lightly.   This frosting will keep in the refrigerator an indefinite time.  When working with the frosting keep it covered with a damp paper towel or handy wipe to keep it from drying out.

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