Sunday, July 31, 2011

Amazing Creative Businesses

I said this blog would be a tribute to all things creative... so why not pay tribute to the creative businesses out there started by all the creative people I know...

I wish I had the talent or guts to start my own business.  I tried to start my own production company years ago, Little Red Wagon Productions, centered around my film The Many Faces of Fire Island, with plans to expand.  But a one woman production company was just to much for me... so it fizzled out.    Besides I loved producing and editing, but I didn't love shooting, so it wasn't ever going to work.    As for the rest of my creativity, I am good at a lot, but nothing I excel at to the point I would feel confident starting my own business from scratch, not like these super talented friends.


Blissfully Sweet Confections - Blissfully Sweet Confections
Love & Sprinkles  -  Love & Sprinkles
Oh My Cookies - Oh My! Cookies  (Gluten Free Cookie Available)


Butzie Boo Baby and Things - Butzie Boo Baby


Platinum Party Events - Platinum Party Events

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