Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Another Rave for Blissfully Sweet Confections (aka Deirdre)

I already raved about her once on this blog, but I feel the need to do it again after this weekend.  Deirdre, one of my long time friends, and owner of Blissfully Sweet Confections made the cake for my grandfather's 90th Birthday Party!

Now I know that she is super talented and have complete faith in her cake making abilities... but what she created for this party was above and beyond what I expected.

It all started with a phone call and a design.  I wasn't really sure what I wanted when I first discussed with Deirdre the possibility of having her make my grandfather's cake.  I knew I wanted a tiered cake with cannoli filling, and that I wanted it in primary colors.

I knew what my invitations were going to look like, as they were already designed and about to go out, and that I was going to play off the red & blue 90 I had created for the invitations.

We had discussed at length some of my ideas for the cake, some ideas I had for the party and I explained to her my vision for the centerpieces (which at that point were still in my head),  Then I e-mailed her some of the inspiration pictures that I had found.

These 3 cakes were great inspirations for the design that I found and sent to Deirdre.

I also sent her a JPEG of the napkins I had purchased for the party.

Once I completed the centerpieces, I took pictures of them and sent them to Deirdre as well, along with the image of my grandfather that I used in all the party material.

And this my friends is what she came up with, using everything I gave her.  It was as delicious as it was beautiful and played on everything I had created for the party.   I couldn't have asked for a more perfect cake. 
Unfortunately at the moment this is only a part time job, or really more of a hobby, for Deirdre who needs to hold her full time job as an accountant to get by.   But someday, sooner then later, I am sure she will be the owner, operator and head baker of her own dessert place.   But for now, you can find her beautiful works of art or order one yourself by visiting her here:  Blissfully Sweet Confections

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